The FlyLady organizing method, created by Marla Cilley, is a system that helps individuals establish routines and maintain a clean and organized home. It focuses on breaking tasks into manageable steps and implementing daily habits to maintain order. Here’s a summary of the FlyLady organizing method:
- Establish a basic routine: The FlyLady method encourages individuals to establish a daily routine consisting of simple tasks, such as making the bed, getting dressed, and shining the sink. This routine forms the foundation for maintaining cleanliness and order.
- Use a timer and focus on 15-minute increments: The FlyLady method utilizes short bursts of focused cleaning and organizing. By setting a timer for 15 minutes, you can tackle specific tasks without feeling overwhelmed. This approach helps break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable parts. The method emphasizes decluttering in small increments, working on one area at a time. FlyLady encourages you to focus on decluttering for 15 minutes a day, clearing out and organising small sections of a room or tackling one drawer or shelf at a time.
- Building daily habits: The FlyLady method focuses on building small, consistent habits that contribute to maintaining a clean and organised home. These habits include tasks like doing a load of laundry each day, decluttering for 15 minutes, and tidying up before bed. By integrating these habits into daily routines, you can prevent clutter from accumulating and maintain a more organised space.
- Follow the “Hot Spot” method: Hot spots are areas where clutter tends to accumulate, such as countertops, entryways, or dining tables. The FlyLady method suggests identifying and decluttering these hot spots consistently to maintain order and prevent clutter from spreading.
- Implement a weekly home blessing: The FlyLady method encourages a weekly home blessing session, which involves setting aside a specific time to clean and address certain tasks, such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. This dedicated time helps keep the home clean and organized.
- Control journal: A control journal, often referred to as a “CJ,” is a central tool in the FlyLady method. A control journal is a personalised notebook or digital document that serves as a central hub for organising tasks, routines, and schedules. FlyLady suggests creating a control journal to track daily and weekly routines, set goals, and maintain a record of cleaning and organizing accomplishments. It is a personalized notebook or digital document where individuals can track their routines, set goals, make to-do lists, and keep records of cleaning and organising tasks. The control journal serves as a reference and helps individuals stay organised and focused.
- Focus on self-care: The FlyLady method emphasizes the importance of self-care throughout the organising process. Taking breaks, setting aside time for relaxation, and prioritising personal well-being are essential aspects of the method.
- Embrace the principle of progress, not perfection: FlyLady encourages individuals to let go of the pursuit of perfection and instead focus on making progress. Celebrating small achievements and recognising that every step forward counts is a central tenet of the method. “You are not behind” philosophy is a key. The FlyLady method emphasizes that individuals are not behind in their cleaning and organising journey. It encourages a forgiving and non-judgmental mindset, reminding individuals that progress is more important than perfection. This philosophy helps alleviate guilt or overwhelm and fosters a positive approach to organising.
- Zone cleaning: The FlyLady method divides the home into different zones, typically focusing on one zone per week. Each zone represents a specific area or room in the house. By dedicating time to deep clean and declutter a particular zone each week, individuals can gradually address the entire home without becoming overwhelmed.
- Morning and evening routines: FlyLady emphasizes the importance of establishing morning and evening routines to set the tone for the day and ensure a peaceful evening. These routines typically include simple tasks like making the bed, getting dressed, cleaning the kitchen sink, and preparing for the next day. Consistently following these routines helps maintain order and reduces stress.
- Control journal: A control journal, often referred to as a “CJ,” is a central tool in the FlyLady method. It is a personalized notebook or digital document where individuals can track their routines, set goals, make to-do lists, and keep records of cleaning and organizing tasks. The control journal serves as a reference and helps individuals stay organised and focused.
- Community support: The FlyLady method emphasizes the importance of community support and accountability. FlyLady offers online resources, including a website and email reminders, to guide individuals through the organizing process. Additionally, the FlyLady community provides a supportive network where individuals can share their progress, seek advice, and encourage one another.
The FlyLady organising method promotes consistent routines, small steps, and a positive mindset to establish and maintain a clean and organised home. By incorporating these principles into daily life, individuals can create a more structured and peaceful living environment.