
Home is a sanctuary of warmth, where a gentle embrace of comfort envelops your every step. As you enter its welcoming embrace, a symphony of familiar scents dances through the air, evoking cherished memories and a sense of belonging. The soft glow of flickering candles casts a soothing ambiance, casting shadows that playfully dance upon the walls.

A well-loved bookshelf stands proudly, adorned with tales of adventures and wisdom, patiently awaiting your embrace. The inviting armchair, worn with years of companionship, beckons you to curl up with a cup of steaming tea, as the outside world fades away and time slows to a gentle rhythm.

Every nook and cranny holds treasured mementos, each with its own story to tell.

Home is a sanctuary of warmth and cosiness, a refuge from the stormy world outside, where you can find solace, be yourself, and truly belong.

Home and minimalism

Home and minimalism are concepts that often go hand in hand. Minimalism is a lifestyle philosophy that advocates for living with fewer material possessions, simplifying one’s life, and focusing on what truly matters.

When applied to home organisation or design, minimalism promotes creating uncluttered spaces that are functional and promote a sense of calm and well-being. This approach extends to house cleaning, where minimalism encourages regular decluttering and efficient cleaning practices to maintain a tidy and harmonious environment.

If it comes to home and minimalism, the main principals would be:

  1. Decluttering: Minimalism starts with decluttering your living space. Donate, sell, or discard those items, which you do not need or want, keeping only the essentials and items that truly bring you happiness and have an active positive influence on your life.
  2. Mindful consumption: Embrace a mindful approach to purchasing new items. Before acquiring something, consider if it aligns with your values and if it genuinely enhances your life.
  3. Quality over quantity: Rather than having many poor quality items, minimalism encourages us to invest in high-quality and long-lasting ones.
  4. Simplified colour palette: There is a style in the interior design called minimalistic – but minimalists do not have to apply it to their interiors. A minimalist home often features a neutral colour palette – whites, greys, and earth tones. For some people it will be calming and simply perfect, for others this style will be without a character and boring. Your home is for you – not for interior design magazines readers. Do you love white interiors? Go with white! If you love colour, don’t stop yourself! Remember, YOU are the one, who must feel good in your space.
  5. Clean lines and uncluttered spaces: Minimalist design favours simplicity and clean lines, lack of excessive ornamentation. But it doesn’t have to be a rule.
  6. Meaningful decor: Select decor items intentionally and display them sparingly. Items, which you want to display should be meaningful for you. They should bring you joy or inspiration. Consider incorporating natural elements like plants or artwork that evokes a sense of tranquility and harmony. And again, remember! Art must speak to you. There is no joy in the art piece, which annoys you. Discover the style, which is pleasurable for your eyes and go for it – not because someone called it “good” – but because YOU love it!
  7. Purposeful storage solutions: Efficient storage hiding well possessions might be crucial in a minimalist home. It lets your belongings stay organised and out of sight. But remember that the storage spaces might remain empty! And that you can also declutter your storage.
  8. Functional spaces: Minimalism emphasizes functionality and purpose. Your space should fit your lifestyle. Some minimalists love huge open spaces, others prefer cozy tiny homes.

Remember, minimalism is a personal journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Find a balance that works for you and creates a home environment that reflects your values and promotes a sense of peace and well-being.